Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Role of Feelings

Today i am sharing my personal experience with all of you i had recently .My experience is about positive and negative feelings.
I firmly believe that you need a great feeling about anything to do it easily from your inside.If you don't have strong feeling about the work you doing, then it will be burden for you.
Their are mainly two feeling generally we feel
I explain this with a example.Let one day when you go to your office building and someone tell you you had got a lottery of 10 lacs and the money is waiting for you on 10th floor office but today the lift is not working  ,so come tomorrow to take your money.I bet ,you will say No Problem i will go by stairs and you will reach 10th floor in minimum time.On the other hand ,somebody said to you that Boss is fired you from job ,go and meet boss on the 10th floor but lift is out of order.You will go with sadness and worry on your face slowly steps.The 10th floor will  look too far for you.
This is just an imagination  of my mind,what i want to tell all of you is what is the difference between these two conditions,The distance of 10 floors is same in both conditions but in one case you reached quickly and on 2nd case it looks like too far for you.
It was just your feeling who makes difference.When you get a strong feeling about anything ,you will easily work hard on it but if you don't get strong feeling from inside then you can't make consistency in your work.
Strong feeling may be also negative like doing bad works like murder.But change your negative feeling into positive feelings.

How this helps in badminton
To be a world champion ,you should have a strong feeling about it ,if your thoughts are like how will i make it ,it is too hard .then you will not able to work on it consistently .So these are negative thoughts.Change them in positive thoughts like  nothing is impossible,i will make it.
So whenever you got the feeling of world champion ,don't let it go ,keep it hardly inside you.That feeling increase your efficiency of practice.When i got the feeling of being world champion .i felt like no one can stop me now,I will be world champion in 2-3 yrs.but after some days i lost that feeling and i start thinking how will i make it,this is not possible etc
So i want to say that whenever you got that strong feeling ,keep closely to it.To get that feeling be mad about badminton,just talk about badminton.Dreams about badminton,play tournaments.One day the feeling will come and then hold to get succeed .
I hope i helped someone!

Pradeep Sheoran

How to Sprint

Do 100 meter sprints once in week to get the super speed in your game

Friday, December 23, 2011

Basic Running Tips - How to Build Running Speed

Do sprints once a week to improve your speed

Winners and Losers

  • Winners have schemes
    Losers have dreams

  • Winners see possibilities
    Losers see feasibilities

  • Winners make commitments
    Losers avoid them

  • Winners make things happen
    Losers let thing happen

  • Winners always have a plan
    Losers always have an excuse

  • Winners see solutions for every solution
    Loser see problems for every solution
  • Winners are part of the solution
    Losers are part of the problem.

Week of motivational Quotes

Monday:Don't let the past steal your present.

Tuesday:As soon as you honor the present moment, all unhappiness and struggle dissolve, and life begins to flow with joy and ease.

Wednesday:Life is very similar to a boxing match, "U r not defeated when fall down, U r defeated only when U can't get up .

Thursday:"Don't be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it, you can do it." ~Walt Disney

Friday:"Every man in a leadership position must know when it's time to hand over the reins,"~ Eddie Compass

Saturday:"Only through focus can you do world-class things, no matter how capable you are."
~ Bill Gates

Sunday:Great moments are earned by great opportunities!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Medical Massage Full Body (Back,Leg,Thigh,Buttocks,Foot)

Our body need relax after hard practice ,only relax stretches after practice in not enough .Massage is very essential to relax all your muscles and for proper performance.I showed videos for proper relax of whole body.
All professional do this!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

How to Raise Body Height?

Greater height plays a important role in badminton.You will smash at greater angles but it is also true if you have talent then height doesn't matters.Lee Chong Wei which is 5'7 ft tall and is world No.1.
There is no pill that can grow your height magically.Mainly height comes from parents geans.If father and mother are taller ,then their child will generally taller but it is not necessary to have taller parent to be taller.You can be taller too by do some things.I have searched internet ,asked doctors,friends,taller guys.I found the thing through which you can really grow your height.
1.Diet:-Our diet should be proper balanced of proteins,vitamins,calcium etc.Eat green vegetables.Avoid junk food,oily food.
2.Exercises:It is the most effecting factor of height growth.We should do stretching and Sprinting.
4.Vertical jumping
You can grow your height up to almost 23-24 years,but it grew at great rate between 14-19 yrs.Try these thing and see result.

Pradeep Sheoran

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Back Stretching Exercises

Day to day activities can often cause tight back muscles. Over time this can result in significant back pain and increase your risk for back injury.

Back stretching exercises help keep your muscles comfortable and relaxed throughout the day.Use back stretching also to cool down at the end of a workout, or relieve stress and tension at the end of a long day.
For the best results with these back stretching exercises, stretch gently on the first try. Then increase to a moderate stretch on the 2nd and 3rd attempts.Some common back stretching exercises are shown in picture below.

*If you can't wait until the stretch is over, back off a little bit--your stretch is probably too strong.
*Never do these exercises without warmed up body.First warm-up your body and then do these exercises.

Pradeep Sheoran

You will not think to give up after watching this!

It's Do or Die
Put yourself in this condition and you will be unstoppable 

Lee Chong Wei Getting Quit in 2012

According to media reports,World no. 1 Lee Chong Wei is planing to retire in 2012,Lee wants to win the olympics before he retire.He is on BWF ranking 1 since 2008 and wants to stay on top till he retire.

. "I am close to the end of my playing career and I don't want to have any regrets after I retire, like not winning a single major title despite being the world number-one," Lee was quoted as saying in the New Straits Times.

"I have another three chances to win the World badminton Championship but only one opportunity in the Olympic Games.

"This is why I have to be in my best form for the 2012 London Olympics. It will be my toughest challenge," said the player, who has won 24 career titles.

Lee will start to give coaching to young players and i think he will be the best coach ever made,

"I am so happy to be the icon to inspire many youngsters here. If I can succeed as a badminton player, they can too," he told the Star newspaper.

"I have sacrificed a lot but I do not plan to leave the (national) team in the lurch. I will encourage the back-up shuttlers," he said.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Nothing More than this needed?

  1. Speed
  2. Stamina
  3. Strength
  4. Agility
  5. Flexibility
  6. Grip
  7. Jump
  8. Footwork
  9. Defence
  10. Strategy
  11. Swing
  12. Smash
  13. Net play
  14. Overhead
  15. Underhand
  16. Backhand
  17. Drive
  18. Drops
  19. Lift
  20. Judgement
  21. Clear
  22. Serve
  23. Accuracy
  24. Consistency
  25. warm-up
  26. Relax
  27. Posture
  28. Nutrition
  29. Mental Attitude
  30. Motivation
  31. Self Discipline
  32. Passion
  33. Faith in yourself
  34. Dedication
These 34 things makes badminton players so make a chart of these points and check which you have and which you don't

Pradeep Sheoran

Attitude is Everything

You can respond positively or negatively to any situation.
Your attitude is not determined by circumstances, but by how you respond to your circumstances.

Any challenge facing you is not as important as your attitude towards it, for that will determine your success or failure.

It's how you react to events, not the events themselves, that determines your attitude.

Badminton Exercises(Strength,Flexibility,Relax,Speed)