Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How to protect knee Joint Injury

It is your problem too" if I play continuously for 2-3 hours, the moment I stop playing and finish warm down, I can feel that the knee cap areas are hurting me ...
Besides that ... i also have some back pain lately which my doctor recommended me to stop playing badminton for some time ... apparently lower back pain can also lead weak knees ... how disastrous !"

Don't worry ,I have the solution for you,
DO proper warm -up before playing ,i have already written about warm -up.
-For those with weak/injured knees, it's best to exercise and strengthen the knee ligaments through dynamic and isometric exercises such as free squats (no weights) and wall-chair. Also try to avoid wearing knee braces while playing, they really weaken your knees in the long run even though they support your knees in the short term. If you can't move as fast due to knee pains, time to relax abit on the court, work in some light footwork drills and do more exercise on the knees.
-Don't run or play on hard surface like cemented court or running track.

Pradeep Sheoran

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

How To improve Stamina

As i earlier said stamina is must ,you can't go on same pace with you started ,badminton players are really athletic ,they have ultimate stamina like Lee Chong Wei and Lin Dan .
-How to improve Stamina?It's the main problem here is the solution.

Run distance.. about 5 - 10 km .. 3 times a week, don't do this everyday .. take a day off after each run.
          Running gets you in the best physical condition in the shortest period of time.. provided u do it regularly .. the first time u will feel uncomfortable and you legs will get sore quickly .. after the 2nd and 3rd time out tho it will be easier ..and eventually you will not get sore after a run unless you up the pace / and or distance considerably .. after about 3 weeks you will feel a difference in that it will no longer feel uncomfortable in your breathing .. thas when u can tell that its paying off.
You  can also shorten your distance but throw in periods of fast and slow running.. intervals of sprints and slower running.You can also do footwork drills, use a court and practice doing your footwork almost full out for however long u think the rallies will last, it has to get your heart rate up  or your not working endurance.. just the steps.
u can also skip/jump rope ,,, and add in fast and slow skipping,, double jumps and mix it up, put on some fast music when you do this and skip to the beat of whatever it is.Just Do It!
You can play other sports ..Which also requires endurance like football,tennis etc whichever you like
Do Swimming ,it refreshing and improves our endurance.

Pradeep Sheoran

Monday, August 29, 2011


Skipping is necessary for badminton players to build power in legs,improve jump and build hand muscles.
Play some music while skipping to not getting bored..
Keep your back straight, and for beginners jump two footed only a few inches from the floor.
After playing a match don't sit on the bench,do skipping.Do skipping with several variations.variations are shown in video.

1.Continuous skipping will give you a high intensity workout, and it’s great for the muscles of the upper and lower body. Just 20 minutes skipping will burn 250 calories
 2.Skipping targets the calves, thighs, bottom, and shoulders, helping to keep these areas toned. It is a lower impact activity than running, is kinder to the joints and consequently, carries a smaller risk of injury.

How to Skip-
1. Stand tall but relaxed – breathing naturally
2. Elbows remain at waist level with arms extended sideways at about a 90 degreee angle.
3. Use a circular wrist motion to turn the rope.
4. Hold the rope loosely, using thumb and index finder for control.
5. Jump on the balls of the feet landing softly.
6. Jump just high enough for the rope to pass under the feet.
Sixty to seventy turns per minute is a good starting pace.

Pradeep Sheoran

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Have Hunger(Motivation)

Hunger in its purest form is the biggest human driving force.
Come with a reason that you must succeed in badminton .Make a firm commitment to yourself that whatever happens,you will never sight of what it is that you want to achieve.
You should a hunger of winning ,Make winning a Habit not a something thing.
Just imagine you are hungry from 2-3 days you you have nothing to eat but you know one thing ,whatever happens i have to bring the food from anywhere otherwise i will die ,apply the same thing in your badminton game ,just fix it in your mind that badminton is my life and i will do anything to improve my game .If you follow this thought ,then no one can stop you to winning olympics.

Pradeep Sheroan

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Ultimate Stamina

Stamina is the need of a sportsperson and you know stamina is must in badminton ,if you have excellent techniques but  you don't have stamina then you can't keep on going playing your original game.Stamina will improve slowly . so today i will tell you how to improve your stamina.DO THIS-
WEEK (1-3)
Do 20 minute continuous jog at an easy pace.
Do 30 minutr continuous jog at an easy pace.
Do 25 minute continuous run at moderate pace.
Do 35 minute continuous run ate moderate pace.
Do this in routine and see the results by yourself.

Pradeep Sheoran

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Don't You Quit(Poem)

When things go wrong as they sometimes will
When the road your trudging seems all up hill
When funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile but you have to high
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest ,if you must but don't you Quit
Life is queer with its twists and turns
As every one of us sometimes learns
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out
Don't give up through the pace seems slow
You may succeed with another blow
Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt
And you never can tell how close you are
It may be near when it seems so far
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit
It's when things seems worst that you must not quit

so the conclusion of this poem is we should never give up ,Failure is the first step of success,Be motivated!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Warm up and Tactics

It is very to do warm up before play to avoid pain in muscles and injury.
Everyday first thing i do is ,I play rear to rear court high shots.Give the shots maximum height ,Don't play shots backhand or forehand ,Only play overhand shots.Play overhand shots from baseline to baseline,After hitting from baseline take 2-3 steps ahead.If you master this technique your game will go on new height instantly.

*Your grip should be great to play this shot .So do wrist and grip exercise daily
*Try to concentrate you whole body into your wrist.
*Do uphill racing.
*Climbing rope is great exercise for improving grip.
*Race daily

Smash Reurn Postion

When you lift the smash very high ,your opponent have enough time to smash hard anywhere he want,Mostly he will do jump smash So you should know how to take proper position to return the smash effectively.
-Also expect cross-court shot  from opponent ,Even lee chong wei and lin dan fail to return cross-court jump smash.
-Hold the racquet tightly
-Bend slighly
-Stay forehanded because if he smash on your forehand ,you will return easily and even he smashes on backhand ,you will also able to change racquet instantly and on the other hand if you hold racquet by backhand,You will be able to return backhand smash easily but will fail to return on forehand.
*To return hard smash you should have strong wrist,so do wrist exercises daily
*You should have great agility for quick reaction of your body so do agility exercises.
Pradeep Sheoran

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Badminton is a game of wrist.Wrist is used in smashing ,drop,return.So your wrist should be strong .Do daily exercise for wrist which i am going to tell you now.

1.Wrist roll-Prepare a brick which is hanging with strip and the strip is connected to a pipe .Roll the pipe inside slowly and then outside slowly.
By doing this your wrist will get stronger and you do smashing and return better than ever.

2.Do various weight exercises to strengthen your wrists:-

-Wrist Curls-Take a dumbbell and hold it so your palm faces upwards with your arm perpendicular to your body. Using only your wrist, raise the dumbbell repeatedly and then do it with the other arm.
-Golf Wrist Exercise-Have your arm by its side and hold a golf club by the end of the handle. Using only your wrists, point it toward the sky, then down again. Start with a light club, then work your way up

3.Wrist circles- Move your wrists in a circular motion left, then right. 

 4. Put your hands in fists and move them left to right.-Put your hands flat on the floor, in front of you and put all the weight on your wrists try to even get your feet off the ground.

Friday, August 19, 2011

New Badminton Title to lee chong wei

As you listen about many superheros like
Now its time to make a new superhero which will be called "badmintonman"
The man who is perfect in badminton ,i would like to give this title to whom you know"Lee Chong Wei"
Am I  right,does he deserves this title?
tell me how is my idea?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

No one Challenge this Ultimate Key to Success!(Motivation)

Hello ,Today i have got a ultimate idea in my mind and i want to share with you,It will change your life.For all the badminton players,lovers or athlete Motivation is the main problem.We all know that if stay motivated and focused on our aim,then we can definitely achieve anything we want.
I have written some post especially for motivation,like "motivational quotes" Different people do different to stay motivated but i have discovered a new technique for motivation,i gurantee that if you use this technique,you can not ever fail in your life ,This technique is completely mine ,so one another own this idea ,so i am going to tell you a  new experiment which can change your life into a new whole world of full of motivation and unbearable success.It's not only for badminton players ,it applies on every person It just needs a try .So here comes the experiment of the century :-

Just imagine you wanna be a badminton world champion like lee chong wei,Lin Dan,etc but then just a thought comes in your mind that you can't be like them ,you will try to satisfy yourself by telling your mind that ,lee chong and lin dan are like that because they got professional coaching form childhood,.You will think that there is millions of crowd our there playing badminton from childhood,then how can  i can become world champion and you will be disappointed and demotivated So here comes my idea gonna work,MY IDEA IS----------------

Just imagine,someone  kidnapped the person who you love more than your life like father,mother,sister,etc and he put a condition in front of you that you that you have to beat this(anybody)person in badminton match in just 2 months , or You have to clear the exam of IIT or IAS in First Attempt otherwise i will kill your relative and you  know practically how much difficult it is
    Now you just tell me Honestly can't you do what he said
*Can't you beat that person in 2 months?
*Can't you clear the exam?
.I don't know what you feel but i am telling what i feel if such a situation comes in front of me then i am damn sure that i can do,Although i will try to beat that person in just 1 month,Isn't is realistic ?
So just create such a situation in your mind and the success will be yours, i know is to hard to imagine such a condition in mind but it is not impossible,Remember these quotes in mind ,Just try :-
*Nothing Is impossible
*Impossible is an opinion .not a fact.
*Victory is always possible for the person who refuse to stop fighting.
*If we want to achieve the results never accomplished we must expect to employ methods never attempted.
*Don't Limit Your Challenge ,Challenge Your Limits.
I have written many more motivational quotes in my posts,read them daily.

Share what you think?
Pradeep Sheoran

Lee chong wei Coaching Classes

There is a good news for all the badminton lovers especially Malaysians that Lee Chong Wei is going to open his Coaching Academy .

I thing everyone is known with world no.1 lee chong wei,,(Malaysia).Last year when lee came to my country INDIA for playing All India Open Tournament  in Delhi and As usual he wins.
At that time My friend Shiddharth (Junior national badminton champion) went to saw the match .After watching match he meet lee chong wei and asked about his future planning ,Lee said that he will start to give coaching in next few years in Malaysia.

In My older post i  have written about an interview with Lee Chong Wei .Click here to read.
"Lee Chong Wei Interview"
Pradeep Sheoran

Monday, August 15, 2011

Use age as motivation not an excuse!

Do you think badminton or any other sports like athletes have a proper age to to play,
In badminton after 28 or 30 age  players are unable to beat the young blood ,you acknowledge that with age comes decreased performance. It's the body's natural way of slowing down.If you think like that ,then sorry you are wrong this time,today i am going to tell you the secrete of winning over your age,I also have explained about age myths  in "perfect-age-to-start-badmintion"and "age matters" so come to the point,-

It is also true ,As we get older, the rate of cell division slows down and some tissues begin to perform less efficiently. There is a loss of elasticity, both in the skin and in ligaments. There is a decline in the maximum heart rate and in maximum power output ,so you some questions i mind like
-What performance should we expect at a certain age?
-What can we do to reverse the process?

Don't Worry it is hard but possible to remain at international level even after 40,with the right kind of training and nutrition ,for witness:-
-Eamonn Coghlan's sub-four-minute miles
-Al Oerter's Record in discus
-42 years old Podkopayeva 's victories at 1500 metre
-The World's best for a marathon at the age of 50 stnads 2:11
I think this is enough to tell the difference between age and endurance,dedication and motivation

Always remember three things-

1.There is no reason  to stop purely because of age ,because the age is very gradual.The perfect training and some good conditions can make you improve on last year's times.
2.One cannot train with the intensity of a young athlete because the rate of regeneration is not as fast. You have to find the intensity and the frequency of hard training that you can tolerate.
3.It will probably become necessary, if you seriously want to stay as fit and healthy as possible, to work on your weak points. Muscular strength, flexibility and mobility decline without the right exercise
Let's have a look on some unbelievable  facts-
# A 70-year-old weight-lifter is stronger than the average 30-year-old
# The 70-year-old marathon runner will easily outrun the majority of 30-year-olds.
# The ballet dancer of 70 is more flexible than the average young adult.

SO i think you have understand that  people owe their achievements not to the fact that they were outstanding when they were younger but to the fact that they have continued to practice the activity.
                    Never think that you he is better than you because he is younger and you are old,he is on the top because of his continous hard work and dedication to his game.
Pradeep Sheoran

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Where,When and How to Smash?

Smash is the most powerful shot played in badminton.Today i will tell you how to smash,only strength in hands and shoulders is not enough you should have movement in your hands.

 How to smash:-
 Basic Tips-
-Should Have a proper grip
-One way to get angle is to use more wrist action.
-Always try to hit the shuttle as high as possible.
Proper Way-
-Get into position behind and beneath the shuttle.
-Point your non-racquet shoulder toward your opponent and shift your weight onto your back  foot.
-Hold both arms up. Hold your non-racquet arm out in front of you for balance, and your racquet arm up behind you with your elbow bent 90 degrees and your wrist cocked. The racquet head should be behind your shoulders.
-Reach up for the shuttle, jumping off your back leg and transferring your weight to your forward foot.
-Strike the shuttle as high as you can reach it, while it is still out in front you.
-Snap your wrist, as you contact the shuttle at least three or four feet above the net level and in front of your body.
-Hit the shuttle with a closed racquet face.

Where To Smash-

1. ,When you get a high lift from opponent ,smash on his body strongly then don't smash again on his body,,if you do this, he can place the shuttle anywhere he want ,so play the cross-court smash,he will be just unreturnable to your smash.

2.When you get a high lift from opponent ,smash on his body strongly,If he returns again high ,play a weak and slow smash just near the service line,I tried this and get the results i have never got.

3.Sometimes ,if your opponent easily lifts your smashes ,then try some Half smashes

When To Smash-
-The general rule of thumb is that every time you are about to smash, ask yourself whether your smash will make your opponent lose a point.
If you REALLY think so, GO AHEAD!
-DO NOT SMASH unless you are confident that the smash will help you win a point or at least do some 'damage' to your opponent.

1.Concentrate on footwork because smash low downs your footwork.
2.Should create a better angle when play from rear court.
3.Firstly,Concentrate on technique of smashing and then speed and power of smash,in start play some soft smashes and then go and on .on
4.Always remember to make use of your non-racket arm to help you maintain body balance.
5.Do not play smash every time,DO NOT execute a smash unless you're confident that your smash will be a strong one.
Pradeep Sheoran

Badminton Half Smah

You have listen about forehand smash ,backhand smash , jump smash ,cross-court smash , down the line  smash but have you listen about half smash?.I have learned Half Smash from dinesh(Dabbu),Charkhi Dadri
 Learn what i know, here it is:-

1.Half smash mostly played from rear court to front court but you can also play from mid court to front court.
2.Your contact point when smashing should be high as it can be.
3.Don't impart force from shoulders,play just with knee power
4.Bend your Knee With Slightly angle very quickly as you can.
5.Remember don't bend your knees too much
6.Don't let your opponent know that you are going to play half smash.
7.It it necessary to strong your knees ,do exercises for knees.

So,It is what i learned today and  i shared with you, and you all know practice makes a man perfect so practice more and more to be master in this shot.
Pradeep Sheoran

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Jump Smash

As we all know and see during matches mostly points are earned with powerful jump smashes.So it necessary to play.I have been playing badminton from 10 years and after concerning with many of my frds and searching on net ,i will tell you the best way to improve jump smash,So here it it:-

FITNESS-The first need of jump smash is physical should have enough strength in your legs to jump.There are several exercises to improve jump smash like sprint(Most Effective),Jump and touch as high you can,Put you both hand on your head and jump,in this your knees should come to the chest.,
Do skipping,frog jump and many more exercises you can find on you tube.

TECHNIQUE-Only Fitness is not enough ,you should know how to jump,when to jump and how to land.
Get behind the bird, jump at the right time and complete a good, near perfect rotation in the air.In the beginning,1 or 2,3 weeks may be your jump timing don't work but don't give up,after some time you will automatically start to jumping at perfect time ,i am telling you this because i have experienced this.
*The key is to jump up is that the non-racquet shoulder towards the shuttle as usual and  then bend both your knees back -- but keep your thighs fairly straight pointing down -- and then simultaneously start the body rotation and perform the arm swing and  straighten your knees fast.
*Hold your raquet behind your head in your normal (pre-swing) position - execute a variety of jump smashes this way.

When you play jump smash in singles ,you should play cross-court to see better results.The more you practice,the more perfect you will be.

1) Keep your opponents from attacking your attacks, because if it's powerful enough, they should have quite some trouble driving it back, due to the trajectory and speed, as well as the mental fear.
2) Having a good smash prevents your opponents from attacking your drops, as they will tend not to rush, fearing that you'll just whack their face off with a good smash.
3) Good jump on the smash can get you a very good angle and force them to lift. Good power on the smash can get you a weaker lift. Have both of these and you'll get more chances to smash and finish it off. Also, if you can get a good angle, you'll also make them bend and crouch for them, which also requires energy.

When you play jump smash in singles ,you should play cross-court to see better results.The more you practice,the more perfect you will be.
Pradeep Sheoran

Friday, August 12, 2011

Great Motivation Quotes

1.Start By doing what necessary;then do what possible;and suddenly you are doing impossible.

2.If you have courage to start,you have courage to succeed.

3.If you want to make life easy,make it hard.

4.Don't blame your circumstances ,Find the right one's ,if the are not ,make them.

5.Your actions have value far greater than silver/gold.

6.Nothing Great in the world has been accomplished without passion.

7.The greatst sin is to think yourself weak.

8.Always think.i am born to play badminton.

9.Fear is one of the worst enemies.

10.Don't give up ,thinks will give you up!