Saturday, December 1, 2012

Who is Tired? Body or Mind !

What if I told you that being tired from running had little to do with your body and more to do with your brain? Research is actually now supporting the old coach's theory that being tired is "all in your head."
Now that doesn't mean to keep training because you can push through the pain, but it does require some deeper explanations of why we need to pursue exercise for greater endurance.
Samuele Marcora out of Bangor University in Wales has established a new paradigm, a theory known as the psychobiological model of endurance performance. I know that is a tough label to swallow, but Marcora goes on to explain that," endurance performance is directly determined exclusively by psychological factors. The two most important ones are perception of effort and motivation."
Marcora is not saying muscles and physiological factors, like the cardiovascular system's ability to pump blood/oxygen, have no role in endurance. They just serve to mostly affect perception of effort or motivation. Hard to believe, I know, but Marcora is not the only scientist to support this idea of perception of fatigue rather than the physical failure of the body. Others in the past have provided supporting evidence for the brain's chief role in feeling tired, or at least choosing to stop further exercise.
In the most recent 2010 study, Marcora found athletes' muscles decreased their performance during prolonged exercise, so the brain has to work harder to provide a similar output as exercise continues. Hence the previous recommendations to provide amino acids to athletes during workouts; to prevent fatigue, or at least the perception of it. So you can continue to push yourself, but the best option is to stop if you truly cannot continue, or simply do not choose to continue as we now know. The direct reasons for fatigue are endless, but do not include muscular mechanisms. Maybe you don't want to play your sport or are involved for the wrong reasons, maybe you need to find another type of exercise that you actually enjoy, maybe you need to sleep or eat better to feel more energized, and the list goes on, but you get the idea.
So we know endurance is limited by your perception of fatigue, but we also know that you cannot choose a bigger jump, a faster sprint or a skilled play with the ball. So use that conditioning time to play your sport or get stronger.
In the end, these pursuits of your sport skill and weightlifting will also make you mentally stronger, which will also give you better endurance.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Badminton Shadows

Practicing Shadow in badminton is very very important .There are several type of shadow like 6 corner shadow,racquet direction shadow,scissor and tab,etc.Shadow improves our quickness and reach to the shuttle.We should do some shadow everyday.Here is a video showing shadow,enjoy!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Inspirational Speeches

Whenever i feel sad or demotivated i watch this video and i filled with lots of energy !try it 

Who says you have to eat meat to be a successful athlete?

Many People have doubts about the vegetarian diet ,today i am going to tell u about the myth about diet ,this article will tell you about the athletes who earned name on world level with vegetarian diet .

I had my doubts, sure," Jurek recalled. "Am I going to be strong enough, have enough protein? There were all those common disclaimers, how it would affect my performance. When I went on to win the race, I realized it was all just this mental barrier. After performing well on [the vegan diet], I never really doubted it afterwards
You all the doubts will be clear after reading this.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Diet Guidance For Badminton Players

I took this photo from Ratti Badminton Academy,Jalandhar,Punjab

In my personal case i am telling everyone my diet pattern in the Ratti Badminton academy
Breakfast (7:30am):               250 g boiled milk+1 boiled egg
During practice(9-12pm):      Energy drink(bodyfluez)+Chocolate
Just after practice(12pm):       Protein with 250 g milk+Oats
Lunch(2pm):                          Chapati+Rice+Salad
After Eve. Session(6:30pm):  1 boiled egg+Banana Shake
Dinner (8pm):                        Chapati+Pulse+Milk

Pradeep Sheoran

Friday, February 3, 2012

Listen Voice of you Soul

What is Soul Voice: It is but the meek voice, residing in our bellies that we fail to hear, with its very strong message, if only we would listen. For it does not shout or demand, sing or pacify. It merely whispers. Its voice never reaches our ears or our hearts.
It softly begs us to hear our dreams and intentions and to make them real.The voice you hear when deeply relaxed reveals no urgency, no emotional clamor.

When your soul speaks, do you listen? The small voice that whispers to you, comes by way of your third chakra. It is not the mind speaking nor your heart. It is why we often miss it all together. It does not shout out or create emotional confusion when it speaks.
Whenever we do something wrong ,why we get a voice from inside saying "don't do this,this is wrong".But we ignore it and do what we want to do .
Our mind can give us wrong suggestion but our soul never tells lies!
I always listen voice of my soul.
I am telling you my personal experience with this.
When i go to play badminton in indoor ground ,there is a popular shop of fried  and fast food near to it.After practice of 3-4 hours ,i eat that junk food .I know it is not good for my health but i eat it.My soul says that this will damage my fitness but i ignore it ,and says It will not harm me,everybody eats this,nothing gonna happen.
But since 1 week ,i was going in front of shop and i got a feeling to eat that junk food.I got excited to eat it.But suddenly a voice came from soul that"Don't eat this,this is junk food,this is not good for a sports person"
There,a war started inside me between mind and soul.Both gives its suggestions.
Mind says"Eat it ,it is very tasty,It is hot ,It is spicy and you will feel pleasure by eating this"
Soul says"This will give you minutes of taste and pleasure ,but it decrease you stamina,don't eat it"
Then i refuses to eat that food and i felt very food
Now i just listen Voice of my soul.
I suggest all the people to listen your inner voice and then no one can't stop you !

Pradeep Sheoran