Friday, September 2, 2011

Positive Thinking (Motivation)I am Olympic Champion

Today's discussions is a different thing,it's about how to visualize success.If you can visualize your success ,then no one can stop you.So how to do it
It doesn't matter how success are you now but If you want to achieve your target you have to feel the moment ,you have to visualize it.Let you wanna be a Olympics Champion like me ,i know it is damn hard but not impossible Remember "Impossible is a opinion .not a Fact" ,So Just visualize that you have won the gold Metal in Olympics ,just close your eyes and see ,you are standing on the gold medalist podium with the Olympics Trophy in your hands .A big crowd is cheering for you & you are so happy.You are telling everybody that this is my life And then comes to reality that what you are now.
Then Start working what you have visualized.
Remember "I wanna be a Olympics Champion" AND "I am the Olympics Champion" are two different things.
Have a blind faith in yourself that you are Born only to play this game and no one can stop me .
So what i want to share with you is stay positive always ,if you  think positive even in worst conditions ,you will achieve what you want.
Scientifically If you are thinking positive ,it means you are attracting positive things and vice-versa, Watch The Movie"The Secret"2006 this movie is documentary on how positivity helps you,it's a great movie watch it many times ,To feel that moment watch videos of it ,go there ,talk about it ,keep it mind every time.
So lets a example I have one friend Mr. Sunil Jain which is a goverrment employ in BSNL Company ,he lives in Charkhi Dadri City but he transferred to Rohtak City but he visualizes everyday he is Charkhi dadri ,he thinks that he is in same office ,and after some time he got permanent transferred back to his hometown "Charkhi Dadri" SO i think you have understand what i want to say.
I think it will help you in working hard on your target ,
Remember the logic,feel that you have won .the thing waht you want and then working on it.
It works ,Every where Every field Every Place Every second

Pradeep Sheoran

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