Sunday, June 26, 2011

How to be a Professional badminton player-2(Fluid Moment)

Fluid movement consists of good footwork, sharp reflexes and good anticipation. It is this combination that produces quick movements and sharp smashes executed in an effortless way that are simply fascinating and deadly enough to score loads of points.These three aspects of fluid movements form the foundation of a professional badminton player.
*Good Footwork-Having good footwork Means reaching the shuttle early.In Badminton, you do not run. This could be a deceiving statement since badminton is considered the fastest racket sports.Footwork consists skip, shuffle, bounce, glide, chasse step or combination of these steps.Having solid footwork would easily take you towards any direction on court in 2 steps. You don't have to fumble all over the court.
How To improve-
*Skip for at least 10 minutes a day.(quickest way to develop agility)
*Watch recordings of professional players and study and emulate their footwork.
*Practice shadow badminton exercises so you can move based on instinct.
*Place shuttlecocks on their sides at each corner of the court . Then, move as quickly as possible.
*Come in heel first on your racket foot when lunging forward to the net.
*Move back fast on your first step after your lunge, but slow down on your final step.
*Play half-court singles.
*Practice hard and play hard. You will improve.

* Sharp Reflexes-Sharp reflexes can be defined as a reaction of the body that is produced automatically and instinctively in response to a stimulus. For example, when you put your finger on the hot kettle, your finger will automatically withdraw from the kettle quickly due to natural reflex. In badminton,sharp reflexes are needed in order to move quickly.
How To improve-
*Overspeed Training
*Improving Voluntary Quickness
*Take gymnastics
*Keep in shape; retain your skills
*Find Reaction Games Online(You can find them
*Practice, practice, practice. This will take time, but you should notice improvements.

* Good Anticipation- Anticipation is the ability to sense what is happening in a split second before others can and to react quickly. By reacting earlier, one gains a decisive advantage.In order to have good anticipation in Badminton, experience is the key. You can develop anticipation when you have mastered the skills to play the game.
How To improve-
*Listen Fast Music

Pradeep Sheoran

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